HBOT - Stroke prevention & Neurological Diseases.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been shown to help prevent and treat stroke through a number of different mechanisms. HBOT can be used to precondition the brain by producing more circulatory pathways to potentially decrease the chance of stroke. Also, this has been shown to benefit post-stroke patients, as compromised blood flow to the affected area of the brain and its functionality are recoverable by introducing increased levels of oxygen. Studies have demonstrated the benefits of HBOT for stroke with the following:


Decreases cerebral edema
Decreases brain infarction
Relief of oxygen starvation or hypoxia and activates dormant neurons in the   penumbra zone.
Increased microcirculation or capillary development to increase blood flow.
Decreased brain swelling or edema by constricting nearby blood vessels.
Reduction of free radicals that continue to cause tissue damage.
Stimulation of nerve impulses through the brain and spinal cord.
Protection of the integrity of cell membranes so they can function properly.
Prevents complications such as pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and thromboembolism 
Relief of muscle spasticity.
Reduces stroke recurrences
Maintains blood–brain barrier integrity
Increases survival rate

Brain injury:

Inhibits neuronal death
Causes significant reduction of intracranial pressure 
Alleviates radiation-induced neurologic necrosis
Improves neurologic outcome
Promotes blood flow in chronic neurologic disease
Provides relief from clinical symptoms, controls epilepsy, and resolves hydrocephalus 
Improves aerobic metabolism in brain injury
Counteracts edema and ischemia
Prevents complications, such as meningitis, bedsores, pneumonia, and wound infection 

Spinal cord injury:

Improves neurologic recovery
Ameliorates mitochondrial dysfunction in the motor cortex and spinal cord 
Reduces micturitional disturbance and neurologic deficits
Arrests spread of hemorrhage, reverses hypoxia, and reduces edema 
Resolves bone infection and helps wound healing in chronic osteomyelitis 
The most important criteria being, for stroke survivors, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy reactivates the idling neurons, stimulates growth of new blood vessels, prevents cell death, and improves neurological function.

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